Flashes of Fun – A Flash Gamer’s Weblog

All about flash mini-games and fun, fun, fun.

Playing Assassin In Tactical Assassin 2 January 7, 2009

Filed under: Flash minigames — Flash Gamer @ 12:27 am
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I like shooting games, especially first-person shooting games. Why? I enjoy the thrill of pulling the trigger, of the kill (though of course that doesn’t mean I’d like to shoot people in real life). I especially like games where I’m an assassin, a sniper, like in Tactical Assassin 2.

In many ways, Tactical Assassin 2 is just like the original Tactical Assassin. After all, you’re still an assassin and the main objective is still to eliminate your target, usually and preferably with one headshot. You still have missions and you still have briefings in order to ensure you do your job right.

The main difference is that in Tactical Assassin, you’re a hired gun. In Tactical Assassin 2, you’re paid to kill. You have funds so you can choose and buy your own weapons and upgrade them with a sophisticated array of accessories, which makes it more similar to classics like Metal Gear Solid and NOLF.

There are other assassin games I enjoy, like Arsenal, for example, which lets me choose which assassin I want to be. In fact, there are many others for me to choose from so I don’t get bored, and I certainly don’t.

After all, no matter what the critics say about violence, being an assassin is an appealing role and since it’s not a role I can play in real life (not that I want to), assassin games surely provide an exhilarating experience.